Zone definition(ATEXIECex scheme) A place in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of a gas/vapour (or cloud of combustible dust) in air. Zone 0 (Zone 20) .is present continuously, or for long periods or frequently. Zone 1 (Zone 21) .is...
High bay working in high temperature environment no longer be a problem, NJZ do it! 1. Previous Experiments Review 1st 2017-3-30 Experiment Driver: HLG-240H-54B Driver Installation: Back of fixture 2nd 2017-3-31 Experiment Driver: HLG-240H-5...
High bays, low bays and floodlights are industry standard terms for the more heavy duty types of light fitting. We will outline the main differences and uses below. High bays are designed to be used in very high areas (approximately 8m and...
NJZ Lightings LED product portfolio now adds a new member, Warrior series Model# NJZ-FEL-D, featuring 140 lumens per Watt efficiency, and perfectly performed in Class I, Division 2 hazardous locations. NJZ Lighting as an emerging LED lumina...
Design Although directly affected by the design of the space, the light distribution of a wall pack or an LED shoebox fixture plays a key role in deciding which fixture to use and where to use it. To assist in the selection of the appropria...
Definition for hazardous locations in North America In North America, hazardous locations have traditionally been defined by a combination of classes and divisions as follows: Zone 0: An area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is present...